Tuesday 14 January 2014

Fieldwork in photos

We're in Valdivia at the moment, which means reliable internet, something that we've been without for the last week. We've been at Pucatrihue and Llico, coring marshes in our search for evidence of predecessors of the 1960 Chilean earthquake. Here's a quick photo roundup. 

The marshes at Pucatrihue are extensive. We've taken transects of cores to investigate the 
sediments they contain. 

Contrary to popular belief, we're not just here to work on our tans. Here's Emma in full waterproofs finding the elevation of some rock. We've also been wearing our waterproofs in hot and sunny weather to foil the colihuachos, giant horseflies found in southern Chile, which give a nasty bite.  

As well as coring, we've been looking at natural sediment exposures. The light yellow sand layer in this one was probably deposited by the 1960 tsunami.

This boulder was probably also moved onto the marsh by the 1960 tsunami, which locals told us washed houses several kilometres up the valley.

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